Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Christmas Away from Home

This year there hasn't been as much gearing up for Christmas as I'm used to.  In the States, people prepare for the holiday in different ways, but general society transforms into one of holiday cheer.

If you go to the mall here you'll see store keepers wearing "Santa's Helpers" t-shirts, but general society doesn't transform the way it does at home.  Really this isn't a horrible thing.  There is enough Christmas cheer in the villa to prepare my heart for Christmas, but it wasn't until today when I got this email that I really felt like Christmas was approaching.

Hi, Kate,

I went to the post office and followed Santa's instructions to the letter (get it?).  He thanks you for
promptly supplying your address.  Fortunately, the one you supplied and the one Santa has on
file match.  How about that?

According to Santa, a number of fathers are helping out this year in the same manner I have.  He says
this builds character and is generally good for us.  I told him that I am already a character--what
kind of foundation is that to build on?  He said I should stop smarting off and get on with the program.
I suppose he's right--after all, he is Santa.

Love, Dad

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