Friday, October 15, 2010

Two Friends that I Love

I am blessed to have friends here.  I can't express how wonderful it is to spend time with Amanda and Kate, as well as, so many other friends I have met since arriving.

Amanda and I spend a lot of time together, even when we have time off.  I don't know when we would ever have the opportunity to be on an adventure together like this again in our lives.  It reminds me of the good ol' days.  She sees me when I'm in a silly mood, when I'm grumpy or sometimes crying, when I'm contemplating life and when I'm singing and dancing around.  So many emotions, so little time.  :)  But really, it has been wonderful to share in this experience together and to grow along side her.

Kate and I knew each other in college, but we were more like acquaintances.  Since living here, that has all changed and I'm so grateful to get to know her each day.  Especially because we laugh together a lot.  She is such a sweet friend!

Amanda and I gazing at the beautiful fish/reflection of a huge candy shop in Dubai Mall

One time, I turned Amanda into a camel with my mind...  I had to really concentrate to do it.

Kate and Kate
(I can see why people think I'm 14...
Does anyone have a magical aging potion?
Actually scratch that, I'll live the way I was made)

The three of us... so fun!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Kate I so enjoy reading about your adventures! I just thought you should know that I too have the "Im 16 face." The other day I answered a friends front door and the sales man asked me, "Is your mom home?" Really! miss you love! My Katers says HI!