Sunday, April 10, 2011


I've realized over the years that people have different and very personal definitions of rest.  I mean- I studied rest, right?  Recreation and leisure.... for some people it doesn't get more restful than that.  I have to say, if things were different and it had not been the essence of my degree plan, I would still be a true believer in rest.

Because Sundays are my day off, they are my day of rest.  And today was.. well, you know.

It started with this:

A bus to a waterpark with 2 wonderful friends, Kate and Bethany.
I hadn't been to a waterpark since middle school when I went for a band trip. And... it was unbelievably FUN!

And then it continued here:

My very favorite place, Lime Tree Cafe.
Need I say more?

When I got home, I was reminded by my dear friend Kate that I needed to really rest, so I ended up here:

On my balcony with the word, a bowl of ice cream and golden grahams and the beautiful weather outside.
(It feels just like an early summer day in Texas right now.)

And now as I'm typing this post, it looks like this:

And there it is

1 comment:

Kim said...

Rest is so important. Glad you had a restful day!