Sunday, April 24, 2011

He's Back

For the last few weeks I haven't been able to see Gig.  When your parents take a trip to Disney World without you (even if you're long gone out of the house), it's harder to stay in touch.  Thus, there have been fewer opportunities for skype dates.  And honestly, you may have noticed a few things during this time period:

1. I haven't been blogging as much.  This proves that much of my inspiration comes from Gig.
2. I haven't been singing as much.  Or at least not so loudly that you can hear it across the world.  Yeah- that used to happen a lot before the last few weeks.
3. My new smile started to look like a frown.

But tonight, I got to see Gig and it was wonderful!

I even sang a song to him that I made up.
It goes like this:

"Happy Easter to you.
Happy Easter to you.
Happy Easter dear Gig,
Happy Easter to you."

This picture shows his fond reception of my impromptu Easter song.

1 comment:

Juelie Blaise said...

kater. i miss you. so much. skype soon?