Saturday, December 18, 2010


This morning we woke up extra early to take Amanda to the airport.  So early in fact that I had some trouble sleeping before and after the airport run.  That's what happens when you're just too excited...

At the airport we said goodbye to our dear Miss Amanda.  And as she left for home, I felt a rush of excitement that the Lord is forever in control of her life and He will show His faithfulness during her semester of student teaching and after.  It will be amazing to see how He guides her through this next year.

After a wonderful morning of practicing with the Christmas Eve choir and taking a nap in the afternoon, I feel very refreshed.  When things change so drastically, it hits you before it happens, during the event and after.  But in the midst of all of this I'm grateful that God is so faithful.  And I'm grateful for these two:

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